"The Royale" is the 38th episode of the television series Star Trek: The Next Generation. The 12th episode of the second season. http://www.daxgraphs.co.uk/startrekg.htm

Leo Garcia as Marcos Llamera, 1990

"The Royale" is the 38th episode of the television series Star Trek: The Next Generation. The 12th episode of the second season. http://www.daxgraphs.co.uk/startrekg.htm

The Asolo Conservatory

Leo Garcia as Nathan Leopold Philip Lombardo as Richard Loeb

January 2012

The Asolo Conservatory

Leo Garcia and Maria Irene Fornes

Maria Irene Fornes & Leo Garcia San Gimignano, Italy 1992

Actors Theatre of Louisville Leo Garcia

Leo Garcia and Maria Irene Fornes

Leo Garcia Photo by Aloma

Leo Garcia Photo by Aloma

Leo Garcia Photo by Aloma

Leo Garcia Photo by Aloma
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